Thursday, August 1, 2013


Goodness!  Just when you think you have yourself on track, things go astray and in this case very astray!  I thought I was going to use this blog to keep myself on track with my quilting, but as I am sure like many of you out there, you have more than just one hobby.  And sometimes as much as you try to concentrate on one, the others start to scream for attention and then suddenly.....chaos!!!

Well, that's exactly what happened this week.  I was making progress on the quilting front and then suddenly, "wham" the cross stitch bug hits!  I blame it on all these bloggers out there, you know who you are!  Each site has more and more beautiful items and the itch just starts and before you know it you are searching through cabinets and drawers trying to find the things you need to "scratch" the itch and then this:

Everything's a mess again!  So I guess we know what I'll be doing this not stitching...  : (
What are you up to this weekend?